As part of the organizational design for Shipwright, the Company recognizes project management as a distinct skill and expertise that will benefit the successful conclusion of all maritime projects. 

A streamlined corporate structure frequently leads to an organization focused on executing day-to-day operations successfully, safely and efficiently.

By its very nature, a project is a temporary effort designed to produce a specific product, service, or result with a defined start and defined end constrained by time and funding undertaken to bring about beneficial change or added value. Regularly outsourcing projects to a project-oriented and staffed partner will increase efficiency and reduce overhead and costs for an operating organization yielding increased corporate ROI. 

The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with standardized operations which are repetitive, permanent, or semi-permanent functional activities to produce products or services on a continuous basis in the most efficient manner. 

The management of these two environments is very different and requires the implementation of divergent organizational structure, specific technical skills, and management practices. 

The primary goal of project management is to achieve the project goals and objectives while honoring the preconceived constraints. The primary constraints are scope, time, quality, and resources. The second and higher goal is to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and integrate them to meet the predefined goals and objectives.

The highest performing operating organizations are the ones that focus on the daily execution of the core business and effectively delegate project based efforts to organizations designed for the most efficient execution of projects.